Embedded Microscope Camera Series
Embedded Microscope Camera Series
Compatible with wide variety of devices
Works series software works with different brands of microscope camera via WDM or TWAIN driver.

Time Lapse Capture
iWorks series software works with different brands of microscope camera via WDM or TWAIN driver.

Image Processing Tools
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Image Type convert: Gray, RGB, CMYK, HSI, HSV, HLS, YUV, YIQ, YCbCr, Luv, Lab. (8bit, 12bit, float)
Image Geometry: Rotate (90, 180, 270 degree), Vertical/ Horizontal Flip, Mirror, Resize

Manual Calibration and Basic Measurement Tools
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Calibration manager: manual calibration
Scale Marker
Measurement Tools: Point, Distance, Circle, Polyline, Polygon, Angle, Continuous Perpendicular, Center to center
Live Measurement

우리 팀
- 우리는 협업의 힘을 믿으며 이는 우리가 계속해서 성공하는 데 도움이 되었습니다.
Annotation: Line, Retangle, Circle, Textbox, Calibration Marker
Property: Font, Font size, Text color, Text align, Line color, Line weight, Line style, Fill color

iWorks EX is the basic package for the professional microscope imaging and analysis software iWorks series. Functions of EX version are available in all versions of iWorks software. With iWorks EX, you can easily capture images, time lapse or record video, process image and measure objects.