Microscopy Software iWorks Series Updated
July 22, 2015, Guangzhou

We are pleased to announce that a new update is now available for microscopy software iWorks 2.0 series. The update includes a range of usability improvements and general enhancements for the software.
Compatibility Enhanced: From digital cameras to hardness testers
You might have experience of using Nikon DS series microscope camera with iWorks. Are you using IDS or Basler camera for your research? With this latest update comes new support for iWorks, you can now capture, measure and analyze by connecting IDS or Basler camera to iWorks software! In this update, We also add Hamamatsu InGaAs-C10633, Nikon DS-Ri2 and Vieworks GigE cameras.
For iWorks H series hardness testing software, we increase new models of Wilson and Mitutoyo. Check below models of hardness tester compatible with iWorks.

Vickers: Wilson 402MVD, Wilson 432SVD, Wilson 452SVD, Wilson BH3000, Wilson Tukon1102, Wilson Tukon1202.
Brinell: FutureTech FM-700, Matsuzawa MMT-X3, Matsuzawa MMT-X7, Mitutoyo HM-101, Mitutoyo HM-112, Mitutoyo HM-114, Mitutoyo HM-122, Mitutoyo HM-124, Mitutoyo HM-211, Mitutoyo HM-221, Mitutoyo HV-112, Mitutoyo HV-114, Mitutoyo HV-110, Mitutoyo HV-120.
New Standard Employed
For Cast Iron Analysis, we added SPS-KFCA-D4302-5016(KS D 4302 replacing standard). We also added new standards for Non-metallic Inclusions Rating: ASTM E 45-05e3 Method A, ASTM E 45-05e3 Method D, ASTM E 45-13 Method A, ASTM E 45-13 Method D, ISO 4967: 2013 (E) Method A, and ISO 4967: 2013 (E) Method B.
New Function, New Layout
Overlay chart enhancements - rectangular area Chart correction information correcting errors when changing applications. iWorks software already handles many types of overlay chart, and now if you’re using iWorks you can enjoy the new float easy-to-use buttons of overlay chart. In this update, we add overlay function to iWorks LT. That means, all iWorks I series microscopy software except iWorks EX has overlay function. Note that different version software has different types of overlay chart. learn more.